Fall, 2015:
We are just getting set up to go!
However, we are pleased to note a few outward-facing elements:
This article reports on a talk Dr. Tatar gave at the NSF Forum on Next Generation Science Learning convened in Washington D.C. in October.
Here is a video that we made about the project.
Here is a poster.
Spring, 2016:
Design Institute: All the participating teachers, researchers, and advisors met for multiple sessions in Austin in January to discuss the project. We also worked on a sample carbon cycle model and explored teaching and learning opportunities.
CCT1 is developed! We tested the CCT with 5th grade students in two sessions during ICAT’s Kindergarten-to-College (K2C) event.
CCT1 was used in three schools in Austin, Texas. Researchers were involved in the classrooms during the
week-long intervention.
Summer, 2016:
CCT2 and CCT3 development are underway.
Fall, 2017 and Spring 2018:
CCTs were used in schools in Austin, Texas. We piloted the CCTs in a school in Floyd, Virginia. Exciting times ahead!
Our paper on finding abstraction-comprehension balance was accepted to AERA 2017. Another (short) paper arguing for an integrated approach in a low resource setting was accepted to ICTD 2017.
Summer, 2018:
Further analysis of data. We see positive growth in Science and CT learning among students in Texas.
Working on a manuscript to be submitted to the Journal of Science Education and Technology (JOST). We discuss assessment design and evaluation in integrated science and CT setting.
CCT0 development is underway. Iteration and improvements are being made to the existing CCTs based on our observations from the classrooms.
Fall, 2018:
Continuing with the iteration on the CCTs and data analysis.
Our paper arguing the possibility of supporting students to learn CT and science in tandem by focusing on pedagogical practices was accepted to 2019 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference.